Sunday, June 21, 2009

Looking For Value? Look For A Used Honda

Honda have done it again! The Japanese car giants have been at the forefront of car manufacturing – incorporating the latest technology and engineering expertise and now they have designed a pet friendly car!

We all know Honda are advanced but they haven’t yet managed to allow for your pooch to chauffeur you to town and back. They have though developed a cushioned dog seat incorporated in the boot of the Honda Element utility car.

The seat covers are easy wash – something that any dog owner will tell you is a must – and there is a fitted dog bed with restraints in place to keep your dog safe and secure, whilst being comfortable on long journeys. The car will of course hit the US market first at the end of 2009 before it is released in Europe and Honda believe they are onto yet another winner.

Despite receiving negative press, both the motor industry and Honda are still striving to get sales of brand new vehicles shifting, although used Honda sales are standing up well amidst the economical turmoil. With the global credit crunch having hit sales of new cars and Honda, along with many other manufacturers having to close their UK plant for a period, Honda have not slowed down their design processes. Their impressive fleet of hybrid vehicles are innovative in bringing down CO2 emissions – the Insight will become the cheapest hybrid vehicle in the world when it is released this year.

So with Honda doing all they can to revive the car trade – even though some of their new ideas, namely the dog mobile, may be a little off the wall – they will be hoping to get an advantage over their competitors even though sales of brand new vehicles are set to continue to plateau at best.

Many prospective new vehicle buyers are waiting for the budget announcements to see if the UK government are to follow the lead of Germany, France and Slovakia by offering a discount certificate (possibly up to 2,000 pounds) that will enable a discount off the purchase of a brand new car, if you scrap your car of at least 9 years old, or older.

Many tax payers are against this as they would prefer to see their taxes go towards other benefits that would better many peoples’ lives during the current recession as opposed to motorists seeking a new car, yet green activists are for the idea as many see global warming as just as important a socio factor as the poor economy.

One sector that has seemingly managed to ride this out is the used car trade as sales have started to pick up. With many people avoiding the hit on depreciation incurred when purchasing a brand new vehicle, many are looking to the used car market and used Hondasales have increased significantly. Honda dealerships have announced a 22 per cent increase from the last quarter in 2008 as people are looking to buy used cars that are the most reliable.

With Honda having seemingly topped the reliability charts for the past few years, that has attracted the attention of buyers who have seen the value in purchasing a used Honda.

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